underneath the waves
blinded by the blue


By camden

my home phone (yeah i still have one), my ipod and my cell. ridiculous, yet somehow necessary, all plugged in to my comp.

the '85 bears were the best

By camden

i feel a little nostalgic. i don't think any team could be that dominant now.


By camden

an answer to those smug Mac ads...


By camden
I am glad for you. Hope it works out.

Just do me a favor and don’t vilify me anymore. You really were cruel to me a lot and if I fought back it was only to ‘recover’ MY self-esteem. I was never the person to insult you, I took years of abuse from you until I actually struck back. I am ok now, just please don’t create this thing in your mind that absolves you and makes me the demon.

I love you, despite all the bullshit we have put each other through (and yes in the last 6 months or so I am guilty of most of it).

addendum: last year AFTER i got sick, you were very kind to me and i appreciate that. you know exactly the times i am speaking about above, however.


By camden

"Whatever it is you think you are you aren't:
A good friend, unique, well read, good looking, or smart.
Well, now you know.

Well I hate to be the one to bare such bad news,
I know it hurts to hear but it's true;
You don't mean anything to anyone but me.
And even I think that you're blinded by conceit
So now you know,
The free beer and basement shows don't mean what they did.
It's what you do, not who you were,
What you wear, where you've been.
So do something.

Whoever you think is watching you dance from across the room they aren't.
If anything they feel sorry for you because you try so hard.
I know it hurts to hear but it's the truth.
So you might as well hear it from a friend.
You're a has-been that never was.
And I know it's mean to say
But it's something I've been meaning to say for awhile.
You're a has-been that never was or will be."

this guy said it all for me. (music industry friends take note)

By camden


By camden

By camden

i normally stay way from politics on my page, but this is too important.


By camden

rollin' on chrome

By camden

Just downloaded Google Chrome, and so far i am loving it. very minimal, much faster, and with the kind of open source firefox has.

also, with Rapidshare and ZShare, i hardly ever even need to use p2ps or torrents anymore. ah, progress. finally.